June 11
[media presentation below]GospelThinkSaturday, June 11, St. BarnabasMATTHEW 5:33-37I speak about oaths and swearing by something else.Prayerthoughtsa. The Lord refers...
Lean On — Major Lazor featuring DJSnake and MO — June 10
Gravity — June 9
June 10
GospelThinkFriday, June 10MATTHEW 5:27-32I give you some directions about sexual behavior.Prayerthoughtsa. It is obvious that the Lord did not feel...
June 9
GospelThinkThursday, June 9MATTHEW 5:20-26I call you to look at the anger that you show.Prayerthoughtsa. Being “righteous” in Jesus’s mind has...
June 8
GospelThinkWednesday, June 8MATTHEW 5:17-19I call you to obey all of the commandments, not only those given by the ten commandments.Prayerthoughtsa....
June 7
GospelThinkTuesday, June 7MATTHEW 5:13-16I address you specifically. You are salt and light to the world in which you live.Prayerthoughtsa. Jesus...
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