March 15
[media presentation below]GospelThinkWednesday, March 23MATTHEW 5:17-19I tell you to keep all the commandments. Prayerthoughtsa. The law of Jesus fulfills the Ten...
[media presentation below]GospelThinkWednesday, March 23MATTHEW 5:17-19I tell you to keep all the commandments. Prayerthoughtsa. The law of Jesus fulfills the Ten...
[media presentation below]GospelThinkTuesday, March 14MATTHEW 18:21-35I tell you that you must learn to forgive anyone that harms you.Prayerthoughtsa. “Seven” is...
[media presentation below]GospelThinkMonday, March 13LUKE 4:24-30The people of my hometown rejected me because I said some things that were unpopular.Prayerthoughtsa....
[media presentation below]GospelThinkSunday, March 12, Third Sunday of LentJOHN 4:5-42I meet and influence the Samaritan woman.Prayerthoughtsa. What is the...
[media presentation below]GospelThinkSaturday, March 11LUKE 15:1-3,11-32The story of the Prodigal Son or Forgiving Father is one of my most...
[media presentation below]GospelThinkFriday, March 10MATTHEW 21:33-43,45-46My story portrays the chosen people who rejected my teaching. You should look at the...
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