July 31
[media presentation below]GospelThinkMonday, July 31MATTHEW 13:31-35The Kingdom will be made up of people who have allowed the Lord to completely...
“Cheap Thrills” (Sia) — July 30
July 30
[media presentation below]GospelThinkSunday, July 30, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeMATTHEW 13:44-52The Kingdom that I want is so important that you must...
“The Edge of Glory” (Lady Gaga) — July 29
July 29
[media presentation below]GospelThinkSaturday, July 29, Sts. Martha, Mary and LazarusJOHN 11:19-27I had close friends while I was here on...
“Captain America: The Winter Soldier” (final session) — July 28
July 28
[media presentation below]GospelThinkFriday, July 28MATTHEW 13:18-23I explain the story of “the sower.”PrayerthoughtsNote: Jesus explains the story of the sower....
“Radioactive” (Imagine Dragons) — July 27
July 27
[media presentation below]GospelThinkWednesday, July 27MATTHEW 13:10-17I tell you that you have been given the secrets of the Kingdom.Prayerthoughtsa. The...
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